My Funding Central: a funding lifeline for the UK’s vital charities sector
During the past two years, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the charities and voluntary sector have been profound. The Charities Commission has reported that over 90% of charities have experienced some negative impact from COVID-19, while 60% lost income. At the same time, the voluntary sector has experienced a surge in demand for its services.
While charities rely heavily on donations from the public for their funding, contracts and grants from trusts, foundations and government generate almost as much of the sector’s income. There are thousands of funders awarding grants to charities for a wide range of causes, from poverty relief and housing to educational and community arts projects. Keeping track of all these funding opportunities is challenging, particularly for smaller charities.
Read our latest article which discusses how My Funding Central can help connect charities towards the funding they need.