Windrush Justice Programme Accepting Applications for 2023

Funding for not-for-profit organisations based in the UK who provide advocacy support to those wishing to access the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

The Windrush Justice Programme is managed by Action for Race Equality, with funding from six major charitable foundations.

Round two of the programme is offering around 25 grants of £22,000 across two years. The total grant must be spent by 31 December 2024.

The funding is for organisations already providing advocacy support to victims of the Windrush Scandal.

For this fund, advocacy support is taken to mean:

  • Assisting people with applications to the Windrush Compensation Scheme.
  • Supporting applications to the Windrush Scheme (formally the Windrush Taskforce).
  • Signposting to other organisations offering support (for example, signposting more complicated cases to solicitors providing pro bono support).

The funding can be used to pay for case workers, cover administrative costs, venue costs, awareness raising events, paying volunteer expenses and staffing costs.

Applications will be considered from registered charities, community interest companies (CIC), companies limited by guarantee, constituted voluntary organisations, and charitable incorporated organisations (CIO).

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Have at least 51% of their Trustees/Governing body who are Black, Asian or mixed heritage.
  • Be already providing advocacy support to those seeking to access the Windrush Compensation Scheme
  • Have at least three unrelated individuals responsible for the governance of their organisation
  • Have a bank account in their name, requiring two independent signatories.

Please note applications will not be considered from organisations that are currently funded by any of the six funders (Paul Hamlyn Foundation, City Bridge Trust, AB Charitable Trust, GLA, Disrupt Foundation, Network for Social Change) to provide advocacy support to Windrush scandal victims.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2023 (5pm).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)