Welsh Government Tourism Infrastructure Improvement Fund Invites Expressions of Interest

A £5 million fund to deliver small-scale tourism infrastructure improvements across Wales is open to applications from public sector bodies.

Funding is available to Local Authorities and National Park Authorities in Wales to support the delivery of small-scale tourism infrastructure and visitor facility improvements.

Brilliant Basics is a capital fund to support tourism infrastructure improvements across Wales and is aimed at public, third sector and not for profit organisations. A total of £5 million has been made available for 2023-2024/25.

Applications will be accepted from Local Authorities and National Park Authorities in Wales. Both types of applicant must demonstrate collaboration with wider destination partners and cross sector consultation.

The funding is used to support projects that meet at least one of the following key priorities:

  • Alleviate pressure points – find infrastructure solutions to overcome pressure on areas as a result of increased visitor numbers.
  • Environmentally sustainable destinations – develop new or transform existing infrastructure to make the destination more environmentally sustainable, thereby helping to reduce the carbon footprint.
  • Inclusive tourism/accessibility – support projects that remove obstacles and barriers within a destination and improve access to facilities for all.
  • Enhance national treasures – support for projects that demonstrate there is a gap in provision which will enhance the experience and encourage more visitors, eg toilet provision, shelters, water fountains on the Wales Coast Path.

Grants of up to £300,000 are available, with a maximum intervention rate of 80%.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest is noon on 16 March 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)