Wave 2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund for England Now Open

Local authorities, combined authorities and registered providers of social housing can now apply for funding to improve the energy performance of their social homes.

The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) has been established to upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C up to that standard. The Fund aims to support the installation of energy performance measures in social homes in England, and help:

  • Deliver warm, energy-efficient homes.
  • Reduce carbon emissions.
  • Tackle fuel poverty.
  • Support green jobs.
  • Develop the retrofit sector.
  • Improve the comfort, health and wellbeing of social housing tenants.

The Wave 2.1 competition will allocate up to £800 million of funding. It aims to allocate as much of this funding as possible. There is no minimum bid size in terms of the amount of funding requested. Bids must include a minimum of 100 social homes at EPC bands D-G.

Local authorities, combined authorities and registered providers of social housing (including housing associations and ALMOs that are registered providers) in England can apply directly to Wave 2.1, either as single bidders or as the lead of a consortium.

All existing social housing as defined by the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008, below EPC C, regardless of archetype, is eligible. Homes both on and off the gas grid are eligible for funding.

Kate Henderson, Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, said:

‘This vital funding will enable housing associations across the country to make significant progress in retrofitting and decarbonising their homes – work that not only cuts carbon emissions but saves residents money on their heating bills.’

The Wave 2.1 competition has now been launched. It closes on 18 November 2022. The submission of applications will open at least five working days before the close of the competition. The Government will confirm details of the submission process in October 2022.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)