Wales’ Woodland Restoration Scheme Launches Second Round

Financial support is available for landowners in Wales for operations on sites where there is larch and non-larch species.

Provided by the Welsh Government, the Woodland Restoration Scheme funds capital works for restocking, fencing and associated operations on sites where there is larch, and up to 50% non-larch species.

The budget for Round 2 is £1 million, which is available for successful applicants who will be able to complete all capital works and planting by 31 March 2024.

Payment rates vary according to the type of work being carried out. Eligible applicants can claim a one-off grant of £1,500 towards the cost producing a management plan. This plan should consider the entire woodland management unit, as well as and including the area for which restoration support is being applied.

Landowners must have registered their land with the Welsh Government’s Land Parcel Identification System. The woodland area must be a minimum of 0.25 hectares of eligible land. The land must contain larch trees or have contained larch trees which have now been felled, and be located in Wales.

The deadline for applications is 2 February 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)