Wales’ Green Future: £10 Million Programme Offers Funding for Youth Employment Projects

Funding is available for community organisations leading partnerships in Wales to deliver projects to help young people into careers that focus on the reduction of carbon emissions, restoring nature and adapting to a changing climate.

The National Lottery Community Fund’s Sustainable Steps Wales Green Careers programme is intended to support projects for young people aged 16 to 30. Examples of relevant careers range from administrative roles in environmental consulting to positions in zero waste cafés or renewable energy companies.

The projects that the programme seeks to fund should assist young individuals in building confidence, acquiring new skills (both social and technical) and gaining work experience leading to long-term opportunities, with a particular focus on supporting those with disabilities and individuals from ethnically minoritised communities.

The programme budget has a total value of £10 million, from which it is anticipated that three or four projects in total will be funded. The following levels of funding are available:

  • In Stage One, lead organisations submit an Expression of Interest form outlining their project. In this form they can request from £300 up to £25,000 for a development grant to help them explore their idea with their partners.
  • In Stage Two, lead organisations submit a full application where they can apply for up to £3 million.

The programme is designed to fund projects that will run for approximately five years.

The lead organisation, who submits the application on behalf of the partnership, must be a UK-based voluntary, community or charitable organisation. Partner organisations are welcome from all sectors and can be organisations that work locally, regionally or across Wales.

The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 30 April 2024 (5pm).