Tenth Round of Wales’ Landfill Communities Programme Accepting Applications

An initiative supporting local community environmental projects in areas of Wales affected by the disposal of waste to landfill is inviting applications.

Funding is available to support local community and environmental projects in areas of Wales affected by the disposal of waste to landfill.

The Landfill Disposal Tax Communities scheme allocates a total of £1.5 million per year. Community sector, private sector and public sector organisations located within five miles of certain waste transfer or landfill sites in Wales can apply for grants of up to nearly £50,000 to improve their local environment and support community participation.

Projects should focus on one or more of the following themes:

  • Biodiversity – create resilient ecological networks for the benefit of a range of habitats and species.
  • Waste minimisation and the diversion of waste from landfill – promote awareness and best practice to reduce the amount of waste produced.
  • Wider environmental enhancements – bring wider community benefit through improving quality of place.

In Round 10 of the funding programme, grants of £5,000 to £49,999 are available for projects that begin from October 2023.

Interested parties are advised to check their eligibility using the map at the Wales Council for Voluntary Organisations website before beginning their application.

The deadline for Round 10 applications is 10 July 2023 (11.59pm).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)