Support for Children and Families Experiencing Deprivation across Scotland

Charitable organisations in working Scotland can apply for funding to deliver projects that support young children under three years old and their parents and families who are experiencing deprivation or are in crisis.

Cattanach Charitable Trust is offering grants of up to £25,000 per year (initially up to three years) for charitable organisations across Scotland to support young children (up to three years old) and their families, particularly those who are experiencing some form of deprivation or crisis, and support the trust’s aims to strengthen attachments, build resilience, and support prevention.

Funding will support young children and their families from a variety of backgrounds of relative deprivation, including but not limited to low income, poor housing, unemployment, isolation, disability, lack of family support, substance abuse, and violence.

The trust is particularly interested in projects that address the following priorities:

  • Parenting.
  • Attachment.
  • Family support.
  • Communication within the family.

Funding can be used for project and core costs, including salaries and general running costs in smaller organisations. Preference will be given to supporting revenue costs and contributions towards capital projects will typically be associated with staff costs or some other aspect of the revenue costs. There are typically four funding rounds per year.

The next deadline for applications is 4 November 2022.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)