Scottish Enterprise Launches Green Heat Innovation Support Programme

Funding is available for projects that can develop green heat solutions or have ideas to boost manufacturing and R&D in this area.

The Green Heat Innovation Support Programme (GHISP) supports innovation and capital investment that will accelerate the rollout and adoption of green heating solutions and associated products, processes or services.

The scheme is encouraging the growth of Scotland’s green heat market and helping projects in areas such as energy efficiency products, green heat equipment, such as heat pumps and heat networks, thermal storage, and green heat manufacturing or R&D.

The total programme funding available over a four-year period is £17.6 million. Funding will be available to companies across Scotland until March 2026 and can be accessed in various ways, including:

  • Grant funding: open to applications at all times, support is available for large-scale company R&D and capital investment projects focused on innovation in the areas of green heat.
  • Feasibility studies to help Scotland-based businesses develop innovative green heat solutions, focusing on technology readiness levels five to seven. A minimum of £30,000 and a maximum of £50,000 grant funding is available. Further information will be made available ahead of the launch of the first feasibility study, expected in early 2023.
  • CAN DO Innovation Challenges: using the Scotland CAN-DO approach, this route supports public sector innovation challenges. It provides innovators with 100% funding via R&D service contracts through a competitive procurement process to fund the development of solutions. Two CAN DO Innovation Challenges will be launched as part of the programme – the first by the end of June 2023.
  • European funding, through the Clean Energy Transition Partnership: a new transformative research, development and innovation programme supporting transnational collaborative projects designed to accelerate the energy transition. The programme has now launched, is open to organisations based in Scotland, and is delivered by Scottish Enterprise.

Companies of any size based in Scotland, or companies looking to invest in Scotland, may apply. Applicants must be undertaking a project to help accelerate the use of green heating solutions and associated products.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)