Scottish Borders – UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Multiply Grants

Closing Date: 30/09/2023

Grants are available for community groups and organisations in the Scottish Borders to deliver projects and activities that allow adults to improve their numeracy skills and use of maths in their daily lives, home, and work.

This fund aims to support the improvement of numeracy skills in adults aged 19 and above by enabling the delivery of: 

  • Courses/activities aimed at people who can’t apply for certain jobs because of a lack of numeracy skills and/or to encourage people to upskill to access a certain job/career.
  • Courses/activities designed to increase confidence with numbers for those needing the first steps towards formal qualifications. 
  • Courses/activities for parents wanting to increase their numeracy skills to help their children and help with their own progression.
  • Courses/activities designed to help people use numeracy to manage their money.
Funding body Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
Maximum value £20,000
Reference ID S51111
Category Community Development
Education, Employment & Training
Health & Social Welfare
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