Scotland’s Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund Invites Applications

A programme to support social housing landlords in Scotland with the installation of zero direct emission heating systems and energy efficiency measures is accepting applications.

Scottish Government has made available a total of £200 million through the Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund to support social landlords across Scotland up to 2026.

Applications are being accepted for the 2023/24 funding round, which will support landlords with the installation of zero direct emission heating systems and energy efficiency measures in existing housing stock.

For this funding round there are two themes:

  • Theme 1 – zero direct emissions heating system for social housing across Scotland. For projects under Theme 1, the financial support available will be a contribution of up to a maximum of 60% of total CAPEX costs for the zero direct emissions heating elements only. Fabric and Energy Efficiency measures will be supported at up to 50% of the eligible CAPEX costs.
  • Theme 2 – ‘fabric first’ energy efficiency only projects. For projects under Theme 2, the financial available represents a funding contribution of up to a maximum of 50% of eligible CAPEX costs.

The maximum value of grant available to either theme is £5 million per project.

Applications will be accepted from local authorities and registered social landlords for delivery of projects in Scotland.

Applications may be made at any time and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)