Scotland’s Independent Cinema Recovery and Resilience Fund Set to Open
Scotland’s Independent Cinema Recovery and Resilience Fund Set to Open
The aim of the Independent Cinema Recovery and Resilience Fund is to help secure the survival of Scotland’s independent cinemas, following the coronavirus outbreak. It will enable venues to re-establish and adjust their business models to account for the impacts of the COVID crisis and recover to a positive position in the medium-to-long term.
The total budget for this fund is £3.5 million. Applicants may apply for eligible costs to address the financial gap between income and expenditure, enabling them to operate at break-even. This fund is not a replacement for all lost income, and it is not intended to be a competitive fund. The financial support will cover a proportion of a venue’s fixed costs until end of March 2021.
Applications welcome from professionally staffed organisations that are owned and operated in Scotland, running independent cinema venues. The venue should be providing a year-round programme of primarily new release titles, and show (or were showing pre-lockdown) at least nine screenings per week on a Digital Cinema Package (DCP).
Cinemas may be privately owned, a charity, owned and operated by local authority or community group. They must not be a subsidiary or affiliate of a larger organisation.
Applications will open on 14 September 2020 (12:00 BST). The deadline for submission of applications will be 5 October 2020 (12:00 BST).
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