RTÉ Toy Show Appeal Impact Grants Fund Open for Applications

Funding is available to registered children’s charities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with an annual income of £500,000 or greater which support children in need.

The RTÉ Toy Show Appeal has opened the first of two grant application rounds that will take place during the first quarter of 2023. In this first round, applications for Impact Grants are invited from children’s charities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland who are undertaking larger scale projects, up to a maximum grant of £50,000.

A second grant round, inviting applications from smaller, community-level groups, will open for applications in February 2023.

Impact Grant applications will be accepted from local or national registered children’s charities with an annual income of £500,000 or more. Collaboration between organisations is encouraged where impact is substantially increased and where collaboration enables shared learning across the sector.

Project proposals must focus on children between the ages of 0-18 and must align with at least one of the three thematic areas of need:

  • Addressing Essential Needs – providing grants to ensure children’s basic needs are met, like warmth, security, safety, food and housing.
  • Improving Wellbeing – giving opportunities to improve the physical and mental health of children who are disadvantaged or have additional needs.
  • Creativity and Play – giving opportunities for children to engage with creative and cultural activities that enhance their personal development.

Grants of £25,000 to £50,000 are available. Projects must start in June 2023 and run for 12 months.

The deadline for applications is 1pm on 10 February 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)