REC Call to Promote and Protect the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
By 2020, one-fifth of the EU population is expected to have some form of disability. The EU and its Member States are committed to improving social and economic situation of persons with disabilities and promote the active inclusion and full participation of persons with disability in society.
The objectives of this Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) call are to:
Promote the collection, exchange and dissemination of innovative good practice for the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and for their active inclusion and full participation in the society taking into account socio economic trends such as the ageing of the population and digitalisation.
Fill in data gaps related to the situation of persons with disabilities in specific areas such as for example on deinstitutionalisation and independent living, social protection, education, accessibility markets or assistive technology service delivery.
The types of activities that may be funded include:
Studies, researches, analyses, surveys, evaluations, collection of data and statistics; development of common methodologies and, where appropriate, indicators or benchmarks; elaboration and publication of guides, reports and educational material.
Mutual learning, peer reviews, workshops, experts’ meetings and conferences.
Training activities, train-the-trainer events and the development of online training tools or other training modules.
Awareness-raising and dissemination activities, such as the identification of, and exchanges concerning, good practices, innovative approaches and experiences; media campaigns; compilation and publication of materials to disseminate information about the Programme and its results; the development, operation and maintenance of systems and tools using information and communication technologies.
Projects can be either national or transnational and the European Commission is favourable to proposals for larger scale actions. Proposed actions should be creative and propose innovative measures whilst building on existing good practice where relevant. The instrument or combination of instruments proposed should be adequate to address the issues at stake and be targeted to achieve the objectives set.
Actions must have the involvement of a consortium (lead applicant and minimum one co-applicant). To be eligible, the lead applicant and co-applicant(s) must be public entities or private organisations, or international organisations. Organisations that are profit-oriented must submit applications in partnership with public entities or private non-profit-oriented organisations.
Actions must be fully carried out in eligible participating REC countries:
EU Member States.
United Kingdom.
Iceland and Liechtenstein.
The total budget earmarked for the EU co-financing of projects under this call is estimated at €1.32 million. Grants requested should indicatively be between €250,000 and €500,000 (and cannot be lower than €100,000). The EU grant may not exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action.
The deadline for applications is 1 June 2020 (4pm CET).
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