Night Shelter Transformation Fund Opens for Second Round (England)

Funding for projects which offer transformative solutions and deliver a diverse range of quality services for individuals experiencing rough sleeping in England.

The Department for Levelling Up, House and Communities (DLUHC) has announced the second and final round of its Night Shelter Transformation Fund, which seeks to provide investment to enable longer-term, sustainable transformation of services and help to end rough sleeping for good.

Constituted voluntary, community, social enterprise and faith sector organisations in England with an annual turnover of £250,000 to £2 million can apply to this round, provided they:

  • Are working directly with people with experience of rough sleeping.
  • Have operated a Night Shelter since 2019/2020.
  • Have the formal endorsement of their relevant Local Authority.

The fund offers two distinct streams:

  • Capital grants of £25,000 to £100,000 (for one year).
  • Revenue grants of £10,000 to £100,000 (for up to two years).

The revenue stream will fund staff, running and operational costs – including small scale refurbishments such as painting and decorating costs. The capital stream will fund building-based works, including property or land purchase and significant renovations to existing sites.

Organisations with an annual turnover higher than £1 million should seek to provide match funding.

The deadline to apply is 7 July 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)