NI Creative Industries Seed Programme Invites Applications

A funding programme designed to support Northern Ireland partnerships that use the arts within new and emerging technologies is accepting applications.

Funding is available to arts organisations, entrepreneurs and creative businesses in Northern Ireland to develop partnerships and undertake projects that contribute to the growth of the creative industries, unlocking future income generation.

The Creative Industries Seed Programme III is inviting applications from partnerships between an arts organisation or artist and a creative business or academia. Proposals must also use new and emerging technology to advance artistic practice to enhance the experience of arts audiences, create new digital artistic products, or allow for digital distribution of existing arts products or services.

The programme is for projects that will take place between 1 March 2023 and 29 February 2024. Eligible costs and activities include the following:

  • Content/product development costs, including reasonable material costs.
  • Freelance/short-term contracts.
  • Existing staff costs, positions or roles as they relate to the proposed activity.
  • Essential digital equipment and software up to a maximum 20% of Total Request Amount.
  • Reasonable travel and subsistence costs.
  • Reasonable advertising and PR costs.
  • Networking and cooperation costs associated with collaborative activity.
  • Export advice and assistance.
  • Appropriate and reasonable market research costs.

The Creative Industries Seed Programme III will provide grants of up to £25,000.

The deadline for applications is 12:00 GMT on 15 December 2022.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)