New Grants to Decarbonise the UK’s Creative Industries

Grants are available for businesses in the creative industries to fund the research and development of an innovative new product, system or process that decarbonises or reduces waste within the creative industries.

The Creative Catalyst Challenge Fund enables creative talent to apply their capacity for innovation to tackle a specific challenge within the industry.

The Fund is intended to be used for the research and development of an idea, product, system or process that reduces waste within the creative industries, decarbonises and/or reduces impact on the climate.

Proposals must:

  • Be from the creative industries or support the creative industries.
  • Demonstrate clear benefits for the UK creative industry and the wider UK.
  • Focus on a clear opportunity and the proposed innovation which addresses it.

Creative UK may choose to make one award of £250,000 or a number of smaller awards up to the £250,000 total, depending on applications.

Applications are invited from UK registered limited companies or SMEs working in any subsector of the creative industries. This may include TV and broadcasting, film, gaming, music and sound, design, advertising and marketing, visual arts, publishing, architecture, and more.

High potential businesses in the creative sector are sought. Ideally, businesses should have been registered and trading for 2+ years and/or have demonstrable traction and experience within the creative sector.

The deadline for applications is 27 November 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)