New Grants from Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

Funding to address inequality and injustice, and create new systems that put equity, justice and peace first.

The Grassroots Movement Fund is a pilot programme which will see £1 million awarded to small third sector organisations throughout 2023 to support the sustainability of grassroots social justice work.

To be eligible to apply, groups must:

  • Be based in the UK with work primarily focused on the UK.
  • Be not-for-profit (this can include informal groups and collectives).
  • Have systems for making decisions and managing money.
  • Be able to demonstrate they are part of a grassroots movement.
  • Be able to demonstrate they are working towards transformative change.

Grants of £10,000 to £70,000 are available for up to two years.

There is also a Care and Accessibility Pot, which offers an additional sum of up to £400 per applicant in order to remove some of the barriers that may hinder groups from applying such as translation costs, childcare and the labour of writing an application for those on a low-income.

The type of work that can be funded includes (but is not limited to):

  • Providing resources that help grassroots groups to run smoothly and support members to keep involved (eg equipment, access to places to meet).
  • Increasing awareness and understanding of injustice through events that recognise that everyone has something to share and that gives people the chance to tell their stories.
  • Radically reimagining and developing new systems and solutions that address injustice and inequality.

Although the funders are unable to fund core costs (eg salaries, office rent) for most organisations which are not registered charities, they will include an appropriate amount to cover day-to-day running costs.

The deadline to apply is 19 February 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)