National Archives’ Resilience Grants Open for UK Applications

Funding for not-for-profit organisations in the UK to support archives to be adaptable, resilient and sustainable, and contribute to communities and the economy.

The National Archives is the sector development body for archives in England. Grants are intended to support the UK Government’s vision for archives, Archives Unlocked.

The Resilience Grants programme has been designed to support archive services, organisations with archives, and archives networks to be adaptable, resilient and sustainable, creating lasting solutions that enable them to respond to change, and contribute to communities and the economy.

All eligible archives organisations with archives (including heritage organisations) and archive networks in the UK can apply for grants of up to £20,000 for projects lasting up to one year.

The fund can cover most things associated with resilience-building activities that the organisation has identified as a priority.

Projects could include, but are not limited to:

  • Proposals that would lead to increased organisational stability, including long-term organisational, financial and strategic planning.
  • Increased staffing capacity and enhanced skills.
  • Reduced costs.
  • Increased income.
  • Improving capacity to develop, care for and enrich collections, physically and digitally.
  • Ensuring that collections are safely preserved, including digitally.
  • Work on diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Responses to climate change, such as developing energy-efficiency within an archives service.
  • Strategic development of existing archive networks or establishment of new networks with a clear strategic focus.

There are usually two funding rounds per year, with deadlines around January and July.

The next deadline for applications is 19 January 2024 (23:59).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)