Money to Help Scotland’s Artists During COVID-19 Uncertainty
Money to Help Scotland’s Artists During COVID-19 Uncertainty
Funding is available for artists in Scotland to assist with the creation of new work during the difficult times brought about by the coronavirus outbreak.
The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture (RSA) has launched ‘Pandemic: A Personal Response to COVID-19’ in response to the coronavirus outbreak. The new award aims to assist artists with the creation of new work in these challenging and unprecedented times.
Eight artists will each receive a monetary award of £2,500 to research, develop and produce new work which reflects their personal response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Selected artists will also be invited to exhibit the resulting work at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh at a future date.
Entrants must be working in any fine art medium and have been resident in Scotland for at least three years. They must have left education within the last 10 years.
Colin R Greenslade, RSA Director, said:
‘The current pandemic affects our global community and it is wonderful – at a time of such uncertainty – to be able to assist artists to record and respond to the difficulties at hand.
‘I very much look forward to a time when we can see the results of the research and present these works to the viewing public in the RSA galleries once again.’
The deadline for applications is Thursday 14 May 2020.
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