Lloyd’s Bank Foundation for England and Wales Opens Newest Funding Programme

Funding to support organisations led by and working for d/Deaf and Disabled people in England and Wales.

Unrestricted grants of £75,000 over three years (£25,000 per year) are now available to d/Deaf and disabled people’s organisations across England and Wales.

The programme is open to registered charities and charitable incorporated organisations with an annual income of £25,000 to £500,000. In order to be considered eligible, applicants must be:

  • Led by and working for the communities they support. This means that at least 75% of trustees and at least 50% of staff self-identify as d/Deaf or Disabled.
  • Placing people with lived experience at the centre of designing, developing and managing services they provide.
  • Reflecting an inclusive, rights-based social model of disability.
  • Focused on advice and/or advocacy casework.

The grants are not restricted and can be spent according to an organisation’s needs, though the organisation must be carrying out the following types of work as part of its day-to-day provision:

  • In-depth services – delivering a range of services supporting individuals through a structured pathway over a prolonged period. This must include advice and/or advocacy.
  • A range of longer-term support to empower and support d/Deaf and Disabled people to participate in everyday life and have a voice in the decisions that impact them.
  • Person-centred services – organisations should have trusted relationships with providers or agencies which can help people to overcome the challenges they face and meet their basic needs.
  • Personal plans – working together with the people they support to understand the challenges they may be experiencing and agree on how to help them find a way to overcome them.

The Foundation will also offer grant recipients a range of tailored additional support to help them to strengthen, be more resilient and develop further.

There will be an information webinar on 21 June 2023, 10.30am to 12.15am.

The deadline to apply is 5pm on 31 August 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)