Launch of Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) R&D Phase B Competition

Grants are available for qualifying businesses to support the development of High Temperature Gas Reactor technologies in the UK.

Through the Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) R&D Competition, the Government is providing innovation funding to support the development and demonstration of High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) technology in the UK. The programme aims to demonstrate HTGR technology by the early 2030s, in time for any potential commercial AMRs to support net zero by 2050.

Phase B is an open, competition-based programme designed to produce up to two HTGR Front-End Engineering Designs (FEED) mature enough to enter regulatory review, carry out associated research and development activities, and produce robust delivery plans for a potential Phase C. Phase B will conclude in February 2025.

Up to £55 million is available in Phase B to provide up to two FEED+ projects with up to £27.5 million, each excluding VAT. Proposed solutions must enable HTGR technology, where HTGR is defined as a gas-cooled nuclear fission reactor with an outlet temperature greater than 700oC.

UK businesses may apply. The competition is aimed at organisations working on research, development and demonstration (RD&D) of an innovative process, material, device, product, or service prior to commercialisation.

Interested parties should register their interest to apply by 27 January 2023 (14:00 GMT). Applications must be submitted by the deadline of 5 March 2023 (14:00 GMT).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)