Launch of £1.5m Artificial Intelligence for Decarbonisation Innovation Programme

The Government has launched a new innovation programme which will support the use of artificial intelligence to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Decarbonisation Programme will support the development of innovative artificial intelligence technologies for decarbonisation applications to support the transition to net zero.

The programme aims to stimulate further innovation in the UK’s AI sector, to drive growth and achieve net zero ambitions by encouraging collaboration in the field across the technology, energy and industrial sectors.

Projects specifically encouraged to bid for funding include uses of AI which could enable a faster transition to renewable energy, decarbonise industry by improving energy productivity and fuel switching, and decrease emissions in the agricultural sector.

The programme comprises separate streams of grant funding to be launched in two initial stages.

Stream 1, worth up to £500,000, will be made available to co-fund a virtual centre of excellence on AI innovation and decarbonisation through to March 2025, while Stream 2, worth up to £1 million, will fund innovation projects which further the development of AI technologies to support decarbonisation.

Later in 2023, the Government intends to make additional funding available to support priority areas in AI innovation identified by the virtual centre of excellence as being critical for achieving net-zero.

Organisations of any size and type are eligible to seek funding. Businesses and research organisations in the UK may qualify.

The application deadline for the initial two streams is 19 January 2023 (14:00 GMT).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)