Have a Go Fund for Expressive Arts Exploration in Welsh Schools

Arts Council of Wales’ Have a Go Fund is providing grants of up to £1,500 to support the delivery of expressive arts activities in schools.

Funding is available for state-maintained schools working with arts and cultural organisations and creative practitioners in Wales to support the provision of hands-on activity or workshops that focus on the expressive arts, both in and out of school settings.

The Have a Go Fund provided by Arts Council of Wales is enabling opportunities for learners aged 3-16 to have a go at a one-off hands-on activity or workshop that focuses on developing discipline specific knowledge and skills in the expressive arts, delivered by either an arts organisation or a creative practitioner based in Wales.

Expressive arts disciplines eligible for support are art, dance, drama, film and media or music. The activity can take place either in the classroom or within an arts/cultural organisation or creative practitioner’s place of work.

Grants of up to £1,500 are available, to fund up to 90% of total activity costs.

It is recommended to submit an application a minimum of five working weeks in advance of the activity start date to allow for Arts Council of Wales’ grant making process. In most cases, applicants will hear within four working weeks whether their application has been successful.

Applications may be made at any time.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)