Grants to Support Cultural Collaboration Between the UK and Germany

Funding will allow for the creation and strengthening of artistic partnerships between the two countries.

Cultural Bridge celebrates intercultural artistic exchange through the collaboration of UK arts councils and leading German cultural institutions.

There is a total funding pot of £180,000, with two tiers of grants available:

  • Tier 1: New Partnerships – £5,000 to £10,000 per partnership.
  • Tier 2: Established Partnerships – Up to £30,000 per partnership.

The fund is open to all cultural organisations with experience of socially engaged/participatory practice.

Examples of Tier 1 grant uses include:

  • Development of artistic practice through international collaboration.
  • Exchange of key creative people to develop new concepts or relationships exploring innovative ways of connecting arts and society.
  • Experiment with new methods and formats of cultural engagement in a series of smaller pilot activities in co-creation with communities.

Examples of Tier 2 grant uses include:

  • Development of artistic practice, including new concepts/methods/formats of cultural engagement on a larger scale, beyond initial research stage.
  • Co-creation and delivery of new participatory work on a larger scale, beyond initial research stage.

Activities cannot start before February 2023 and must be finished before February 2024.

The fund will open on 14 September 2022 and close at 12pm on 26 October 2022.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)