Grants for Wales’ Farmers to Benefit the Environment – New Round Launched for Landscape and Pollinators

Funding is available for land managers and farming businesses in Wales for projects with beneficial environmental outcomes.

The Small Grants – Environment scheme is provided and delivered by the Welsh Government to support capital works projects under the following themes: carbon, water, landscape and pollinators.

The current round of the programme will address the theme of landscape and pollinators. Supported projects should contribute to enhancing landscape features and providing habitat, such as orchards and parklands, for pollinator insect species.

The indicative budget allocation for this application window is £1.5 million. Grants of up to £7,500 are available to fund capital works projects.

Land managers and farming businesses in Wales can apply. The land must be agricultural land, with field parcels located in Wales. Applicants must have full management control of the land up until the contract end date.

The deadline for applications is 5 October 2022.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)