Government Announces Support Programme for Public Service Mutuals in England
With public services under pressure, the government is looking for new ways of delivering services that meet and exceed people’s expectations and provide value for money to the taxpayer. Evidence demonstrates that the mutual model can be a viable alternative to delivering public services, compared to in-house or traditional outsourcing.
The government is delivering a programme of support for organisations in England considering becoming a Public Service Mutual. Organisations that wish to become or grow as mutuals can now apply for support with setting up or strengthening their operations. Advice is available across areas including legal, financial, marketing, human resources and business planning.
Organisations in England that wish to become or grow as Public Service Mutuals can now apply. The organisation must currently, or intend to, fulfil the government’s definition of a Public Service Mutual, which is an organisation that:
has left the public sector (also known as ‘spinning out’);
continues to deliver public services and aims to have a positive social impact;
has a significant degree of staff influence or control in the way it is run.
The Mutuals Support Programme 2 is open for applications until 5pm on Friday 22 February 2019.
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