Funding to Reduce the Impact of Alcohol-Related Harm in Scotland

Grants for not-for-profit organisations to address alcohol misuse in Scotland’s communities.

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) is provided by the Scotch Whisky Association as part of its commitment to promoting responsible attitudes to alcohol and tackling alcohol-related harm. The programme was established in 2013 and has been extended to 2023 following its successful launch. The Fund is administered by Foundation Scotland.

Constituted community groups and charities are eligible for funding. Proposals must focus on targeted interventions to tackle excessive alcohol consumption among young people, families and communities in Scotland, which contributes towards anti-social behaviour, accidents, violence, family breakdown, problems with money and work.

Innovative and pilot projects that test new approaches to address alcohol misuse are encouraged.

The funding can be used for:

  • Salary costs.
  • Running costs and venue hire for the expansion or development of services and activities.
  • Sessional worker costs related to new services and activities.
  • Volunteer expenses.
  • Small items of equipment where these are needed to expand or develop services and activities.
  • Miscellaneous start-up costs.

The total annual fund is £100,000 and grants up to £25,000 are available. Projects which secure funding and can demonstrate an impact can receive further funding of up to £25,000 per annum (up to a maximum of three years) to support their initiative.

The deadline for applications is 24 April 2023 (noon).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)