Funding for Work with Communities Experiencing Racial Inequality in the UK
This fund offers grants of up to £10,000 for work in the UK that relieves the emergency needs of communities facing racial inequality and impacted by the effects of Covid-19.
For the purposes of this fund, ‘communities facing racial inequality’ refers to communities typically but not exclusively referred to as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME). These are communities who may be facing discrimination, disadvantage or be marginalised.
To be eligible for the funding, organisations must have an income of less than £500,000 and be working with one or more of the following groups of people in one or more of the following themes:
- Vulnerable people in the areas of health and wellbeing.
- Vulnerable people self-isolating (elderly, people with pre-existing medical conditions).
- Foodbanks or other organisations working to combat hardship including child hunger.
- People who have experienced or are at risk of domestic abuse.
- People suffering from poor or worsening mental health.
- People suffering homelessness.
- Organisations working with refugee or asylum seeker communities with no recourse to public funds (NRPF).
- Children and young people receiving low education or without access to education.
- Organisations working with people in poverty or at risk of poverty.
The funding is to be used, over a six to nine month period, for either:
- Project work that fits the essential criteria. The project should focus on emergency response to one of the groups listed above. Up to 10% of the funding application can include costs for the applicant’s organisation for programme delivery and organisational development. The funder may award solely for projects costs as funds allow, or
- Core costs. Organisations should fit with the essential criteria and be able to demonstrate this through their core work. Core costs are essential costs for the day-to-day running and development of their organisation.
Applicants can only submit one application and cannot apply for both project and core costs.
The deadline for applications is 30 April 2021 (5pm).