Friends Provident Foundation Launches Fund to Support a 4-D Economy Across the UK

Groups across the United Kingdom can apply for funding to support projects and activities that support the development of new economic ideas and approaches to push for and create a more just and sustainable economy.

Friends Provident Foundation is offering grants of up to £100,000 for charities, social enterprises, and private companies, to deliver projects that help to create a more fair and sustainable economy based on the four D’s (Diversified, Decarbonised, Democratised, and Decentralised).

The ‘Building a 4-D Economy’ Grants Programme will support projects that focus on the following main priorities for 2022-25:

  • Supporting a strong and diverse movement for new economic thinking and acting in the UK.
  • Supporting ‘outsider voices’ in pushing for a fair transition to a 4-D economy.
  • Transforming financial systems

Three types of funding are available:

  • Project Funding for work focused on a particular project or activity.
  • Core funding for organisations that have a pre-existing relationship with the Foundation.
  • Small Grants of up to £10,000 to support under-resourced or newer entrants to economic systems change work and develop their ideas for a 4D economy.

There is a two-stage application process for the main grants programme, wherein groups must submit an online application form before being invited to submit a full application. There is a separate application form and quicker assessment and decision-making process for small grants of up to £10,000 that can be submitted at any time.

The next deadline for main grant applications is 31 October 2022 (noon).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)