Festive Season Grants for England’s Tier 2 & 3 Wet-led Pubs
The Prime Minister has announced additional grants for ‘wet-led pubs’ that predominantly serve alcohol rather than food through the festive period. The aim is to help publicans make ends meet during the usually busy trading month of December.
The scheme is open to pubs in tiers 2 and 3 in England that have been forced to reduce their operations as a result of the latest regional measures put in place to contain the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Grants of £1,000 will be provided. The payment will be made once per business for the month of December only. It will be paid on top on the existing £3,000 monthly cash grants for businesses.
Boris Johnson said:
‘Pubs are at the heart of communities across the country and they have been among the businesses which have suffered the most during the pandemic.
‘While we can’t make up for all the trade they will lose over Christmas, I hope this new £1,000 grant – on top of the furlough, VAT and business rates relief and existing grants, goes some way to help them weather the economic storm.’
Local authorities will be responsible for distributing the grants, therefore, eligible applicants should approach their local council to access this support.
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