Diverse Cymru Opens Funding Programme for Inclusive Cultural Projects in Wales

A new funding programme to support the development of cultural and creative initiatives by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic individuals in Wales is open for applications.

Funding is available for community organisations to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, including people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, having equitable access to and involvement in cultural activities across Wales.

The application period has commenced for the Culture Grant Scheme for Grassroot Organisations, managed by Diverse Cymru on behalf of Welsh Government. Two types of funding are available through the scheme, with the following criteria:

  • Medium Grants of £1,001 to £5,000 are available to projects led by grassroot constituted, not-for-profit organisations including charities and community interest companies. Unincorporated organisation/constituted groups can apply in association with a fully constituted organisation.
  • Large Grants of £5,001 to £30,000 are available to support projects delivered by constituted, not-for-profit organisations including charities and community interest companies.

The scheme seeks to support a range of cultural and artistic projects and groups that reflect the diversity of Wales’ communities including, but not exclusive to visual art, community art, dance, carnival, festivals, performance, literature and music.

Grants can be used to fund capital expenditure as well as revenue and can be used to support equipment, resources, venue hire, staff or freelance staff time.

The deadline for applications is 25 September 2023 (9am).

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)