Department for Education Launches £17m Trust Capacity Fund
Announced in July 2019, the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) Trust Capacity Fund (TCaF) will award up to £17 million to support the growth and development of academy trusts across England.
The Fund is now open to applications.
TCaF will have four strands:
A1: supporting strong multi-academy trusts (MATs) to grow and innovate in areas of long-standing need
A2: encouraging strong trusts to grow by converting and improving weaker maintained schools, or adding vulnerable academies to their trust and improving them
B: accelerating the development of mid-sized trusts with the potential to be strong
C: creating new strong trusts, either by single-academy trusts (SATs) joining larger trusts, or by supporting the growth of existing trusts via mergers, or priority projects identified by RSCs.
All trusts are eligible to apply for TCaF funding unless they have an open Financial Notice to Improve (FntI).
A total of £17 million is available for this programme.
There are four strands of funding:
A1 – for grants of £50,000 to £310,000
A2 – for grants of £50,000 to £200,000
B – for grants of £20,000 to £150,000
C – for grants of £20,000 to £100,000.
The deadline for applications is 31 December 2019.
More information about this funding opportunity and the application process is available on the GRANTfinder funding information platform. GRANTfinder provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on funding news and policy. To find out more about how GRANTfinder can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.