Defra Launches 2023 Animal Biosecurity Infrastructure Fund

From late 2024, new sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) checks on live animal imports from the EU will be carried out at border control posts (BCPs).

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) is providing up to £20 million in grants through the Animal Biosecurity Infrastructure Fund (ABIF) to increase capacity for live animal import checks for maritime trade routes in England (excluding Kent).

The aim of the fund is to increase capacity, support trade continuity, and promote high standards of animal welfare and biosecurity for live animal imports.

Applicants can only apply for funding to cover the eligible capital costs of building a BCP for existing live animal import volumes which enter through a maritime port. Applicants can apply to cover costs up to £10 million.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must be one of the following:

  • A maritime port located in England that currently handles live animal imports from the EU within Continental Europe.
  • A commercial operator planning to develop a BCP for a maritime port in England that currently handles live animal imports from the EU within Continental Europe.

Capital costs that are eligible for funding include money spent on:

  • Construction and building materials.
  • Buying land.
  • Modifying or extending existing BCPs to handle animal imports.
  • Demolition.
  • Installation and assembly.
  • Staff costs or professional fees that are directly related to the construction of the BCP.

Applicants must confirm with Defra that they intend to apply for funding (this is known as pre-qualifying) by 15 December 2023 (23:59).