Creative Europe Call for Support to Literary Translation Projects Open
The 2019 Creative Europe Call for Support to Literary Translation Projects is open to applications.
Part of the Culture Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme, the main objectives of the Call are as follows:
Supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in the EU and in other countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme.
Strengthen the transnational circulation and diversity of high quality literary works in the long term.
Improving access to these literary works in the EU and beyond.
Reaching new audiences for quality literary translated works.
Eligible activities include the translation, publication, distribution and promotion of a package of three to ten eligible works of fiction with a high literary value, irrespective of their literary genre, such as novels, short stories, plays, poetry, comic books and children’s fiction. Activities can include special events and marketing/distribution organised for the promotion of the translated works in the EU and outside the EU, including digital promotion tools and promotion of authors at book fairs and literary festivals.
Eligible applicants must be publishers or publishing houses established in one of the countries participating in the Culture Sub-programme which are active in the publishing sector and which have had a legal personality for at least two years on the date of the deadline for submission of applications.
The total budget available for the 2019 Call is estimated at €2.5 million. The maximum amount per project will be €100,000, representing a maximum of 50% of the total eligible budget. The Agency expects to fund 36 proposals.
Applications should be submitted online by deadline 4 June 2019.
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