Arts Council of NI Accepting Applications to Annual Funding Programme
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Annual Funding Programme supports Northern Ireland’s arts infrastructure through funding to organisations in all art forms and practices for their core and programming costs.
Applications will be accepted from:
Non-profit distributing organisations that can demonstrate that they require a year-round resource to deliver the programme.
Commercial organisations if the proposed programme is primarily for the benefit of the public and where there are plans to re-invest any surplus into a similar and ongoing arts programme.
All new applicants to the programme must have received at least £10,000 in one of the last three financial years from the Arts Council. They also must discuss their application with the relevant Artform Officer by 29 November 2019 or their application will not be considered.
Organisations may apply for one-year funding (the level of grant has not been specified) to support the following:
Core costs include:
Administrative salaries.
Rent and rates.
Light and heat.
Maintenance, security, etc.
Telephone and fax.
Printing, postage, stationery.
Financial costs.
Programming costs include:
Artists’ costs.
Volunteer expenses.
Publicity/marketing (excluding catering/merchandising).
Travel, accommodation, subsistence.
Equipment and materials.
Audience development plans.
Access/participation plans.
Applicants should read the new guidance notes as there are significant changes to this year’s programme application and assessment process. This year groups will need to fill out only one application and this will cover both the Core and Programming request.
It is recommended that groups start the application early as there can be long delays on the online system as the deadline approaches.
The deadline for applications for funding in 2020/21 is 12 December 2019.
More information about this funding opportunity and the application process is available on the GRANTfinder funding information platform. GRANTfinder provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on funding news and policy. To find out more about how GRANTfinder can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.