2019 Call Open for European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR)
The European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) is one of four Joint Programmes proposed by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. Joint Programmes are set up to help EU Member States to integrate and coordinate their own national research programmes to ensure better use of resources.
The aim of the initiative is to address the challenges faced by the European Metrology Research System and to maximise the benefits of improved measurement solutions for Europe. The objectives are to:
Provide integrated and fit-for-purpose metrology solutions supporting innovation and industrial competitiveness and measurement technologies to tackle societal challenges such as health, environment and energy, including support to policy development and implementation.
Create an integrated European Metrology Research system with critical mass and active engagement at regional, national, European and international level.
EURAMET has launched the 2019 EMPIR Call, which follows a two stage process. At Stage 1, contributions are requested for Potential Research Topics. This is followed by a request for project proposals against the Selected Research Topics. The following topic areas are open:
Metrology for Energy.
Metrology for Environment.
Support for Networks.
Metrology Research for Pre- and Co-normative Projects.
Research Potential Projects.
An overall budget of €47.5 million is available for the 2019 Call.
The deadline for Stage 1 applications is 18 February 2019.
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