£2 million Fund to Utilise Technology for Better Care in the UK

Funding available to care providers in the UK to explore the potential for using technology to enable care at home and in the community.

The Health Foundation is providing a £2m programme which will explore the potential for using technology to enable care at home and in the community. 

The Tech for Better Care programme will support up to six teams from across the UK over 18 months to develop, test and pilot care that focuses on the caring and enabling relationships needed between those who deliver and those who receive care, and that is proactive in supporting people to live a better and more independent life where possible.

The programme will support teams through a three-phase innovation process:

  • Phase 1: Explore opportunities and develop ideas
  • Phase 2: Test and refine ideas
  • Phase 3: Pilot of idea(s).

Applications must be led by an organisation that is responsible for delivering care at home, in a residential setting or in the community.

Care providers can be:

  • NHS organisations
  • Community interest companies
  • Charities
  • Social enterprises
  • Local authorities
  • Independent private providers.

Organisations should be UK-based.

A total of £2 million is available for this programme.

Care providers can apply for funding of up to £30,000 to participate in phase 1 of the programme, and then the most promising ideas will progress to phase 2 and phase 3.  

During the application window, the Foundation can offer support and light touch feedback as applicants develop and refine their applications:

  • They will be holding an information call on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 (3pm) to answer any questions about the programme.
  • Applicants can share a summary of the opportunity or the early-stage idea that they’d like to make progress on to allow the Foundation to provide high level feedback prior to submission of final applications. This will be open until a week before the application deadline.

The deadline for applications is 29 June 2023.

(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)